Day #8
Ongoing Support ~ the Missing Link
Rick Mautz PT,MS

Guest Bio

Rick Mautz is the director of Rocky Mountain lifestyle Center in Denver CO. He is a physical therapist with his masters in Human Biology. He has worked more in lifestyle than in physical therapy, starting with seven years at two different residential lifestyle centers. He also developed and ran a hospital based Lifestyle Medicine department in California. His interest in coaching was developed throughout his work in lifestyle, seeing people return to poor habits after learning and making progress in immersion programs. The time they needed the help the most was after the program, when they returned home. He discovered that coaching was the answer, and has been teaching it and promoting it to other health care providers ever since.

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Guest Contact and Resources

Phone: 303-282-3676
Lifestyle Center Director's website:
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Dr. Eddie Ramirez - The Magic of Exercise for Disease Reversal
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